

News & Events

​News & Events

Renualt Event

Pictures from the beautiful eveningCelebrating the renovation of the Renault Sudan Center (Riyadh, Al-Mashtal Street, near Mamoun Hamida University)Th

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Road Show

we finished our first advertising campaign for our movement products around the states.We visited 6 states (El Obeid, Kosti, Atbara, Abu Hamad, Kassal

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Forest Center Mural

One of the MIG development companies African Paints has renewed the paint of the warehouse

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Sony visit

Today, we at Mohamed ikhwan Group were pleased to visit our partners (Sony International company), represented by Sony's Deputy Director for the Middl

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Street Paint

was paint under tunnel Cooper in 2021 by a group of young people (revolutionary murals) 

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Alwana Campaign

The Colors campaign was launched in 2021. The concept of the campaign is to reflect the Sudanese identity and link it to paints. It dealt with three:

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wall-painter workshop

Within the framework of creating a new strategic partnership of its kind with the wall-painter, developing their performance, and improving their capa

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Participation of the African painters in the torrent of Al-Shaqilab

A support convoy for those affected by the floods and rains in the Shagilab area. The convoy targeted 200 families

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Signing between MIG Exchange and United Capital Bank

MIG Exchange Company and the United Capital Bank signed the first steps of fruitful cooperation in the field of assigning banking and banking services

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LTA with UNPD Donor

 Tender for the supply of machinery for an organization UNDP

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